Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#854 closed bug (Fixed)

Won't check 2 or more torrent

Reported by: Owned by: andar
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.1.5
Keywords: check Cc:


As in the summary: when I select two or more torrent with Ctrl+left click, Deluge wont check it: in all the two (or even more) progress bar there's 'Checking 0.00%', and it don't groove. One by one checking work.

It happened in 1.1.5, but still in the previous version of 1.1.x trunk, I remember sure. I use Ubuntu Intrepid i386 and the PPA for Deluge Team. regards

Change History (3)

comment:1 by andar, 16 years ago

Have you tried resuming the torrents?

comment:2 by, 16 years ago

Yes, you're right. Deluge wont check paused torrents, regardless of their number.


comment:3 by andar, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Issue with libtorrent that should be resolved now.

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