Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#960 closed bug (WontFix)

Choosing paths for (not) localhost torrents

Reported by: funkyflash Owned by: andar
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.1.8
Keywords: Cc:


I have deluged running at a box at home, and for the sake of being difficult, I run an ssh tunnel to my house (from work) for port 58846. Deluge GTK connects to this if I specify localhost on port 58846 with creds just fine. However, deluge GTK notices that I'm connecting to "localhost", even though I'm not, and changes path entry fields to browse. When I add a torrent, I'll choose /home/afunk, which happens to exist on both my workstation and my deluged box back home. I'd love for it to go to /media/videos, but for the sake of being a hurry, I symlinked on the remote box. I could create a dummy directory structure on my workstation to mock that of my NAS, but that would be tedious and ugly.

I love the ability to browse localhost, don't get me wrong. I ask that there be a place that I can type the path, even for localhost, for idiots like me who have convoluted ssh tunneling schemes. I'm even fine with starting the torrent in /home/afunk, then "moving storage" after the fact, although it'd be slick if I could type a path before I start the torrent.

The alternative solution to this is to have browse available on remote deluged's, but I can only imagine that this is a considerable amount of work - work which the awesome devs may not have time for.

Both the client and server are running 1.1.8 on Gentoo Linux. Please let me know if any more information is required.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by andar, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

The easiest solution is to forward (or any other local address) and use that.. This way Deluge won't think it's a localhost and provide the proper remote path entries.

comment:2 by funkyflash, 16 years ago

That works like a charm. Thanks!

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