Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#988 closed bug

file or directory not found - really often

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: andar
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version: 1.1.8
Keywords: Cc:


I'm now using deluge for over a year, still there is a small error that's still there. Really often after closing deluge and starting it the next time, some torrents stop, under Details -> Status you can see: file or directory not found

Re-checking does not help, you need to remove the torrent manually and readd it. This is really bugging me sometimes, could someone please take a look why this happens. If you need any additional information, please fix.

This is valid with deluge 1.1.8 under mandriva 2009.1, files are saved to an ntfs partition mounted with ntfs-3g.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by anonymous, 15 years ago

I've seen this too. In my case deluge created a file for the download where it should have created a new directory. This was on Windows Vista recently and deluge 1.1.9.

comment:2 by anonymous, 15 years ago

Have similar problem recently with recently upgraded Deluge 1.1.9 (from 1.1.4) under Ubuntu 8.04LTS. Only additional help can offer is that using Nautilis (and torrent giving error) cannot find a directory for torrent being listed where it should be in the file heirarchy, but also cannot create new directory in relevant directory using torrent's name as one proposedly already exists. If remove torrent with data, create new directory and then reload torrent, things work fine.

comment:3 by imac, 15 years ago

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) using the current (1.1.9) packaged version and recently started to experience this (for the first time, and usually at least once on every use now) after I moved my storage directory.

I moved my torrent storage to a directory that is the mount point for an entire new partition; i.e. in my case I have a new ext4 drive/partition (/dev/sdb7) for torrent media mounted at /export/torrent. I have options "copy torrent files to" and "automatically load new torrent files from" set to this same directory.

Looking above, it seems the only common theme here may be setting the storage to the top-level of a mounted partition. The obvious symptom is that the directory normally created within the storage directory for a torrent is not being created; Instead there is a file.

Re-locating storage and initiating a re-check does not seem to solve or workaround this issue. The file moves, and no directory is created.

Deleting the file, and creating a directory with the same name, and then restarting Deluge works around this issue (without having to purge, re-download the torrent, which is still hit or miss) _ confirming that in some cases (possibly when working in the mount point for a partition) a file, rather than a directory, is created erroneously.

comment:4 by imac, 15 years ago

Its worth noting, that after moving storage or re-checking torrents, or restarting Deluge with this Error on torrents, they change to just sit in the list with "Checking" forever.. and the queue fills with "Queued" and "Checking" state torrents eventually if they are not removed or worked around as described in my last comment

comment:5 by Calum, 14 years ago

Status: newpending

The original reporter was using ntfs for torrent storage. this is known problem and the use of ntfs from linux is not advised.

Does this issue still occur with latest 1.2.x deluge versions for you imac?

comment:6 by imac, 14 years ago

I am running karmic so still 1.1.9 from packages. I can retest when I have access to new upstream from .Debs or an apt deb-src I can build from. I will be moving to lucid in the coming weeks where 1.2.2 is currently.

comment:7 by Calum, 14 years ago

Simply use the Deluge PPA that in the downloads section, it contains the latest 1.2.3

comment:8 by trac-robot, 14 years ago

Status: pendingclosed

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