

22:40 Changeset [4c86726]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add '-c, --config' options to set config directory.
22:04 Changeset [72e0df3]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix details tab.
21:43 Changeset [8eca7b]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add Options tab.


23:57 Ticket #137 ("Store all downloads in:" parameter is not updated.) closed by markybob
23:57 Ticket #139 (Opening the Deluge website to update to a newer version fails) closed by markybob
invalid: this was fixed a long time ago. please dont report bugs on old …
19:33 Changeset [6858e8]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
webui:mv tab_meta->tab_statistics
19:22 Changeset [6bd677]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
fix oops,tracker_name
18:38 Changeset [ec1db1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
webui:layout torrent_meta+add hash
18:17 Ticket #85 (status "seeding" and multi-file torrent) updated by mvoncken
Owner, Component changed
confirmed: webui will display "seeding xx%" while downloading the new …
18:03 Ticket #139 (Opening the Deluge website to update to a newer version fails) created by mail@zoopzoop.net
When I start Deluge, I get a message that there is a …
17:59 Ticket #134 (ETA readable for humans in WebUI) closed by mvoncken
fixed: fixed in r3069
17:58 Ticket #138 (Deluge does not start if the folder where downloaded files should be ...) updated by mail@zoopzoop.net
Fixed this by editing ~/.config/deluge/prefs.state and correcting all …
17:56 Changeset [5f4d5e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
fix #134, pretty eta
17:51 Ticket #138 (Deluge does not start if the folder where downloaded files should be ...) updated by anonymous
Version changed
17:51 Ticket #138 (Deluge does not start if the folder where downloaded files should be ...) created by mail@zoopzoop.net
After renaming the folder that is saved in Deluge as the folder where …
17:07 Ticket #123 (Add speed limiter to WebUI) closed by mvoncken
fixed: http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=webiu062le2.png
17:05 Ticket #132 (Adding a torrent-URL from web ui fails) closed by mvoncken
fixed: fixed in r.3068.
17:02 Changeset [7f8fca]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
webui : fix add url
15:06 Ticket #137 ("Store all downloads in:" parameter is not updated.) updated by anonymous
I have also tried to edit manually "prefs.state" file. I've started …
14:25 Ticket #137 ("Store all downloads in:" parameter is not updated.) reopened by anonymous
Right. Thank you. Can you add an ability to type in the path to the …
14:20 Ticket #135 (Please add a column in the torrent list showing a tracker name) reopened by anonymous
The idea is to be able to sort the list by tracker (or filter by tracker)
04:40 Ticket #136 (Please add ability to filter torrents in the list) closed by markybob
invalid: this is already done in our upcoming (currently development) 0.6 release
04:39 Ticket #135 (Please add a column in the torrent list showing a tracker name) closed by markybob
wontfix: this is already displayed in the "details" tab.
04:38 Ticket #137 ("Store all downloads in:" parameter is not updated.) closed by markybob
invalid: not our bug. …
04:02 Ticket #137 ("Store all downloads in:" parameter is not updated.) created by anonymous
When I try to change folder for downloads it's not being saved. When I …
03:57 Ticket #136 (Please add ability to filter torrents in the list) created by anonymous
Please add ability to filter torrents in the list. For example: …
03:53 Ticket #135 (Please add a column in the torrent list showing a tracker name) created by anonymous
03:47 Ticket #133 (Deluge version downloads files marked as "don't download") reopened by anonymous
Thank you for your prompt attention. I understand how it works now. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.