

19:58 Ticket #187 (Save UI settings on exit(or periodically / if modified)) created by chronos.hun@gmail.com
I like to set up the UI for my needs. Ratio to center, long percentage …
19:54 Ticket #186 (Copy information from Deluge UI) created by chronos.hun@gmail.com
It would be good to be able to copy any information from Deluge to the …
19:48 Ticket #185 (Be able to enable/disable DHT per torrent (private flag)) created by chronos.hun@gmail.com
Its pretty simple. I use both type of trackers(what has ratio counting …
19:41 Ticket #57 (torents are being rechecked on every deluge restart) reopened by chronos.hun@gmail.com
This is still a problem. I use and it still rechecks the …
13:09 Ticket #184 (libtorrent fail to compile) updated by andar
You'll likely need to upgrade to 1.34 or higher.
13:05 Ticket #184 (libtorrent fail to compile) updated by oshiri
Default Debian Etch is 1.33.1
11:27 Ticket #184 (libtorrent fail to compile) updated by andar
What version of boost are you using?
10:44 Ticket #184 (libtorrent fail to compile) created by oshiri
svn3156 fail to compile libtorrent on Debian Etch. This version …[…]


20:27 Ticket #183 (Share ratios of open torrents are reset to zero) created by anonymous
The share ratios for open torrents are not kept between sessions of …
18:19 Ticket #182 (ratio strangeness after hd disconnected) closed by mvoncken
fixed: fixed?? http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4835
18:14 Ticket #147 (Wrong unit used) updated by mvoncken
confirmed, I'll try to change it this weekend.
18:10 Ticket #89 (Crash the webui) closed by mvoncken
worksforme: closing because of lack of response to my question.
18:08 Ticket #144 (Crash WebUI after login) updated by mvoncken
5.x ? set a password inn the gtk-ui.
18:08 Ticket #182 (ratio strangeness after hd disconnected) created by anonymous
My external HD got unplugged, and when I started it again some of the …
16:37 Changeset [a74517]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
peers_tab:display ?% instead of KeyError on progress
15:38 Ticket #181 (Ability to select specific files for downloading only) closed by andar
invalid: I am confused.. Have you actually used Deluge?
14:58 Ticket #181 (Ability to select specific files for downloading only) created by anonymous
Would like to see this implemented - when downloading, I want to be …
01:25 Ticket #180 (crash while trying to check blocklist plugin) created by MKufleitner@t-online.de
no existing Deluge session Starting new Deluge session... deluge_core; …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.