

20:42 Tickets #154,​5,​37,​172,​180,​35,​36,​160,​176,​21 batch updated
Milestone changed
Milestone 0.5.9 deleted
18:39 Ticket #192 (deluged 0.6 crashes with python error) updated by anonymous
Keywords changed
18:39 Ticket #192 (deluged 0.6 crashes with python error) updated by durand1@gmail.com
Updated to python2.5 and I get the same error....I don't seem to have …
11:46 Ticket #195 (Deluge ignore socks settings) created by Supermaks
Even when I setup all four socks proxies in configuration deluge …
05:40 Changeset [a06b241]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix rechecking torrents
05:38 Changeset [931397]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update the use of add_torrent()
05:37 Changeset [df459e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update python bindings to use new add_torrent() method
02:30 Changeset [e513c4]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
update version and changelog


23:33 Changeset [3ba8ba]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
fix opening folder/files in windows
13:20 Ticket #194 (Incorrect free disk space check on resuming a torrent) created by lalinsky@gmail.com
I have a 16GB torrent with most of files marked as "Don't download". I …
03:17 Ticket #193 (Uploaded data amount increases when pausing/changin queue order) closed by andar
fixed: This was fixed in svn a while ago.
01:11 Ticket #193 (Uploaded data amount increases when pausing/changin queue order) created by anonymous
There is a bug in core.py that increases the amount of uploaded data …
00:18 Ticket #117 (Folders view in file selection dialog) closed by andar
fixed: This is available in 0.6.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.