

22:46 Ticket #204 (interface stops updating) updated by thefekete@gmail.com
Keywords changed
I have a similar issue. I'm running the ubuntu 64 deb on gutsy. The …
12:08 Ticket #216 (Visual C + + Runtime Library Error) closed by andar
duplicate: Thank you for this very insightful bug report.
11:18 Ticket #216 (Visual C + + Runtime Library Error) created by ihcnavistar@gmail.com
Keep getting a Visual C++ Runtime error. Tired of getting it. Not the …
08:46 Ticket #214 (Just Crahed) closed by markybob
invalid: dont report bugs in old versions. and dont report useless …
08:28 Ticket #215 (Fix ETA sort order) created by tom@verdaat.org
Downloads that are pauzed or are downloading at 0.0KiB/s have their …
08:21 Ticket #214 (Just Crahed) created by anonymous
It just crashed, when I try to start it and it didn't start since …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.