

17:57 Ticket #25 (Brazilian Portuguese translations for Deluge 0.6) updated by anon
ftw, why not using the po files from launchpad? there are many …
09:19 Ticket #198 ("Open containing folder ..." doesn't work) closed by andar
09:04 Ticket #198 ("Open containing folder ..." doesn't work) updated by vln
Ok the "open containing folder" is now working as supposed to in …
07:44 Ticket #241 (Wrong size reported when files are set to "Don't Download") created by hyperair@gmail.com
When setting some files to "Don't Download" (~2270MiB not to …


21:57 Ticket #103 (Progress bar on main windows and the one in Torrent files plugin shows ...) updated by ShinjiLeery
I can confirm this too
21:57 Ticket #225 (Deluge downloads more files than i selected to) updated by shinjileery@gmai.com
I Have the same issue. For the moment i downgrade to 0.8.6 where …
20:41 Ticket #240 (Move torrent in web ui always shows initial directory) created by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
Hi, I use the deluge nightlies. The web ui move function does not …
07:49 Ticket #239 (several blocklist problems) updated by andar
The Blocklist plugin isn't really supposed to work right now. I'll …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.