

20:01 Ticket #245 ("force recheck" ends stuck in "checking" mode) created by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
Hi, choosing "Force recheck" from the gtk interface of the 0.6 …
17:27 Ticket #107 (Runtime Error !!!) closed by whisky
fixed: OK. Finally remembered what i did to fix the runtime time error last …
15:41 Ticket #244 (display of gtk clients not updated after adding a torrent) created by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
Hi, I use the nightlies on ubuntu hardy. The display of the list of …
15:34 Ticket #228 ('Move Torrent' results in files moving but not saving new location on ...) updated by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
probably related to bug 240
15:33 Ticket #228 ('Move Torrent' results in files moving but not saving new location on ...) updated by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
I believe I can verify this behaviour.
15:16 Ticket #225 (Deluge downloads more files than i selected to) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
Nota: for non-windows users, using du -h file1 file2... in command …
15:01 Ticket #224 (Files re-downloads) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
I've already seen this happening when performing a "force recheck" of …
14:58 Ticket #107 (Runtime Error !!!) updated by whisky
Version changed
Am having the exact same problem. Was running (which was …
14:54 Ticket #226 (Problem in download size estimation) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
Until it's corrected, here's a workaround: whenever deluge complains …
13:42 Ticket #106 (Cleared torrents not deleted.) updated by anonymous
I have another solution, and one that I have been meaning to write up …
05:40 Ticket #243 (Speed limit does not work inside LAN.) created by cbxyoo@yahoo.com
OS:Linux i386 Distribution:Ubuntu 8.04 deluge version: …


13:47 Ticket #172 (Error managing partial download) updated by anonymous
I get this error also. I'm using Deluge When I click Resume, …
03:31 Ticket #211 ((windows) immediately closes upon openig) updated by anonymous
I got the same problem. but I can bring some precisions. Deluge still …
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