

21:43 Ticket #225 (Deluge downloads more files than i selected to) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
And by the way, take a look at the FAQ : …
21:35 Ticket #235 (can't unpause torrent) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
Workaround: try to force recheck your torrent... when it's finished …
21:31 Ticket #255 (Download / upload rate is broken) updated by ch0d4@free.fr
Similarly, if you just pause the torrent, you'll see is ratio increase …
17:45 Ticket #256 (Torrent files produce error when uploaded through WebUI interface) created by anonymous
When I add a new torrent through the webui (upload from local disk), I …
10:18 Ticket #255 (Download / upload rate is broken) created by facundo@taniquetil.com.ar
I have three torrents that already finished download. They show some …


19:16 Ticket #254 (cant run multiple torrent downloads) created by anonymous
hi, i am running on vista 32 bit, my problem is that i can …
15:47 Ticket #253 (Torrents restart from zero everytime) created by Duffy
I have two torrents that restart from 0% finished everytime I restart …
15:44 Ticket #252 (Error with size of torrent and free space) created by Duffy
I get this error when start Deluge: There is not enough free disk …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.