

21:09 Ticket #270 (Autoadd feature fails to load torrent) created by danii
Deluge autoadd feature fails with: […]
14:57 Ticket #269 (Deluged segfaults when torrent is finished) created by Joose
Deluge is running on Ubuntu 8.04, using webui and latest (3206) …
10:11 Ticket #268 (webui crashes when changing default download folder) updated by anonymous
Summary changed
10:07 Ticket #268 (webui crashes when changing default download folder) created by joose


23:34 Ticket #263 (can't connect to daemon) updated by andar
My bad.. I didn't notice the exception you were talking about. It has …
23:34 Changeset [45dd1e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix #263
23:30 Ticket #263 (can't connect to daemon) closed by andar
invalid: It works just fine with a clean config. Please remember that remote …
22:51 Ticket #263 (can't connect to daemon) reopened by danii
ui and daemon are the same revision, I've upgraded to [3205], the …
10:34 Ticket #267 (More statistics) created by sillyass
Was hoping to hear some developer opinion about my post: I've seen …
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