

19:16 Ticket #423 (Is pnp working?) created by anonymous
It would be nice if we could see (may be at the status line) if Upnp …
19:12 Ticket #422 (A good graphic traffic display) created by kivilcimh@gmail.com
I guess we need a good graphic display. After reviewing lots of p2p …
19:06 Ticket #421 (Priority between torrents) created by kivilcimh@gmail.com
I guess it would be nice to have a priority between torrents. I do …
19:03 Ticket #420 (Session Statistics tab) created by kivilcimh@gmail.com
I'm not sure if this is the place but, I have a feature request. Just …
18:46 Ticket #419 (Adding a torrent with many files) created by kwentzell@gmail.com
Trying to add the torrent with 3000+ files crashes the daemon: …
12:57 Changeset [886939]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
gpl fix
12:49 Changeset [392818]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
bash fix
08:18 Ticket #412 (wrong state of 'Seedings' after restart) updated by Vladimir Berezhnoy
Priority changed
Same happens with torrents which are being checked when daemon quits. …
08:12 Changeset [6dbbb2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
minor fixes
08:04 Ticket #387 (torrent checking not working) updated by Vladimir Berezhnoy
I've also had the same behavior, but it seems to be resolved in my …
00:04 Changeset [d880015] by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
more gpl3 switches
00:04 Changeset [faeddb]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
more gpl3 switches


23:56 Changeset [60479e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
create plugin script
14:53 Ticket #413 (Changing download priority on a folder in treeview) updated by CVirus
Reproducible here with deluge-1.0.0_rc5
09:18 Ticket #418 (Archlinux pkgbuild issue) updated by vexxor
hmm... after the preview i presses submit, but my text is not here... …
09:17 Ticket #418 (Archlinux pkgbuild issue) created by vexxor
05:59 Changeset [f6b6a4] by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
change copyright notices to gpl3
05:59 Changeset [6fa31d]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
change copyright notices to gpl3
05:19 Changeset [433262] by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
lang sync
05:19 Changeset [a2605b]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
lang sync
04:31 Ticket #417 (UPnP not working in 0.9.xx on my machine..) created by fox_pnopvh@trashmail.net
I'm running version 0.9.05 (latest ~x86 from gentoo portage. Since I …
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