

23:46 Ticket #449 (1.0.0_RC7 segfaults with corrupted torrents) created by rdoursenaud@free.fr
Problem : Version 1.0.0_RC7 segfaults when trying to add a corrupted …
18:08 Changeset [577335]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Martijn Voncken <mvoncken@gmail.com>
remove some filtering logging
10:51 Ticket #322 (setting refresh rate in webui does not work (--> implement js refresh)) updated by bishiboosh@gmail.com
Same bug here, from 1.0rc7 version.
06:34 Schermafdruk-Systeemmonitor.png attached to Ticket #448 by tom@verdaat.org
Gnome System Monitor screenshot showing remarkable network traffic
06:33 Ticket #448 (Deluge 1.0 is slow and causes networking problems for other programs) created by tom@verdaat.org
I've tried the 1.0 RC5 and RC7 releases on Ubuntu Hardy and both …
06:03 Ticket #447 (Unify features and code used in the file listings in the files tab and ...) created by ari-_-e
In my humble opinion, I think that in order to ensure consistency, the …
05:50 Ticket #446 ("Delete at ratio" and the ratio spinner are not grayed out when "stop ...) created by ari-_-e
In the torrent options tab, the "delete at ratio" checkbox and the …
05:28 Ticket #445 (GTK UI Doesn't categorize errored torrents.) updated by ari-_-e
I'm experiencing this too, it's the one I reported to you (andar) on IRC.
04:34 Ticket #445 (GTK UI Doesn't categorize errored torrents.) created by eatsleepgame@gmail.com
I ran deluged -d because my GTK UI was acting weird, and come to find …


07:45 Changeset [d83a74] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2613
07:22 Changeset [90a4b3e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2613
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