

21:54 Ticket #438 (randomly, malloc(): memory corruption) updated by anonymous
I just updated using apt-get update and deluge freezes whenever i …
18:54 Ticket #481 (couldn't start deluge) updated by andar
Could you please provide us with more information about your system? …
17:51 Ticket #481 (couldn't start deluge) created by durstein23@hotmail.com
I have an an error that states: The procedure entry point …
12:05 Ticket #479 (upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ...) closed by anonymous
12:05 Ticket #479 (upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ...) updated by anonymous
duplicate, sorry, first try upnp.log failed due to links in file in …
12:04 upnp.log.bz2 attached to Ticket #480 by anonymous
12:00 Ticket #480 (upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ...) created by anonymous
UPNP works properly at startup and requests port open for tcp and udp. …
11:59 Ticket #479 (upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ...) created by anonymous
UPNP works properly at startup and requests port open for tcp and udp. …
07:44 Ticket #430 (invalid bencoding of tracker response) updated by anonymous
Version changed
I get the same error! but some files downloading…
04:10 Ticket #478 (deluge "--help" should display the possible values for "ui" option) created by kanakkshetri@fastmail.fm
Currently, the help display for deluge (deluge -h) says that the UI …
02:39 Changeset [34d34b] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2676
02:39 Changeset [e48c09]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2676


23:55 Ticket #477 ((1.0.0._rc9) freeze after start) closed by andar
invalid: User had another daemon process running -- killed it and restarted. worked.
23:50 Ticket #477 ((1.0.0._rc9) freeze after start) updated by andar
This looks fine. Could you post the daemon log?
23:46 Ticket #477 ((1.0.0._rc9) freeze after start) created by sl
(1.0.0._rc9) freeze after start i update deluge from rc8, and it …
19:53 Changeset [f285f6]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Convert unicode to str before saving to config. This should fix …
19:50 Changeset [9005327] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Convert unicode to str before saving to config. This should fix …
17:06 Changeset [42ca7b]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix fastresume saving on shutdown
16:43 Ticket #476 (UPNP not sending packets 0.9.08 Ubuntu Hardy) closed by andar
16:39 Ticket #476 (UPNP not sending packets 0.9.08 Ubuntu Hardy) updated by anonymous
Sorry, please close as I think it is a problem with the router …
14:16 Ticket #471 (Deluge exits GUI when selecting torrent in the list) updated by fist_of_heaven@hotmail.com
Just downloaded and tried 0.9.09, and the problem was gone for me :) …
07:38 Ticket #474 (deluge does not start. Segmentation fault) closed by dijkstra
invalid: Thanks. You're right. I didn't build a clean copy. I'm sorry for …
04:40 Ticket #476 (UPNP not sending packets 0.9.08 Ubuntu Hardy) created by anonymous
Sep 15 00:35:54 ==> Broadcasting search for rootdevice Sep 15 00:35:54 …
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