

22:57 Changeset [2e3a9c] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2690
22:57 Changeset [42d239]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 2690
21:49 Changeset [cb865f1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add metafile module for creating torrent files
20:11 Changeset [a0f90ac] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Include GeoIP database for country look-ups
20:11 Changeset [e64595]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Include GeoIP database for country look-ups
09:20 Ticket #485 (Torrent counts) updated by jd@typhon.org
Cool :) Thank you. I'll checkout asap.
09:20 Ticket #484 (Support for groups of torrents) updated by jd@typhon.org
Cool :) Thank you. I'll checkout asap.
05:35 Ticket #485 (Torrent counts) closed by andar
fixed: This is in 1.1.0
05:33 Ticket #484 (Support for groups of torrents) closed by andar
duplicate: You just described the Label plugin currently in 1.1.0_dev. Marking …
01:25 Ticket #485 (Torrent counts) created by jd@typhon.org
Hi. What about displaying how many torrents a category owns on the …
01:21 Ticket #484 (Support for groups of torrents) created by jd@typhon.org
Hi. A nice feature to consider would be groups. One would be able to …


06:04 Ticket #322 (setting refresh rate in webui does not work (--> implement js refresh)) updated by negge
This bug still exists in version 0.9.09 (RC9). I get a similar …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.