

22:46 Changeset [92574f]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
add get_config_values method to core to allow for multiple config …
17:21 Ticket #632 (Doesn't load torrents with some special characters in path name) created by anonymous
Deluge fails to add torrents with some special characters in path …
13:54 Ticket #630 (Blocklist Importer stuck) updated by anonymous
I have appeared to have regained access to the modules preferences by …
13:08 Ticket #631 (Deluge does not support HTTPS trackers) created by bard.simonsen@gmail.com
When i try to use a torrent that uses a https tracker all i get in the …
13:07 Ticket #630 (Blocklist Importer stuck) created by anonymous
When I try to enable the Blocklist importer module it is stuck on the …
09:12 Ticket #629 ("Find My Downloaded Data" plugin) created by jonesmz@rose-hulman.edu
Plugin that takes a .Torrent file and searches through user chosen …
09:09 Ticket #628 (Store .Torrent with downloaded files) created by jonesmz@rose-hulman.edu
Option to save a copy of the .torrent file with the downloaded files …
09:06 Ticket #627 (Adding multiple torrents has un-intuitive behavior) created by jonesmz@rose-hulman.edu
Adding multiple torrents at once is unintuitive. Currently, pressing …
09:03 Ticket #626 (Maintain ratio for torrent above set level) created by jonesmz@rose-hulman.edu
Tries to keep upload/download ratio at user set level on per tracker …
06:26 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by andar
Are you using compact allocation? If so, then file priorities will …
05:46 Ticket #625 (Downloads lost after PC crash) created by jemthealmighty@gmail.com
I have noticed if my pc crashes while downloading anything the …
05:40 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by anonymous
Upon closer inspection, the files priority does not change and …
05:36 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) created by jemthealmighty@gmail.com
In ubuntu when changing a files priority the display does not change, …


23:13 Ticket #553 (gentoo svn ebuild doesn't install ajax and white template for webui) closed by andar
fixed: This has been fixed.
20:39 Changeset [8fac7e] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Remove unnecessary libtorrent files
20:39 Changeset [7b2437]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Remove unnecessary libtorrent files
14:46 Ticket #622 (Russian translation) closed by anonymous
invalid: See here : https://translations.launchpad.net/deluge
09:56 Ticket #598 (deluged does not stop or kill) updated by Keerthi
Thanks for the 'official' fix.
04:50 Ticket #598 (deluged does not stop or kill) closed by andar
fixed: Ok, I have found the issue. It has to do with Python 2.6's …
04:48 Changeset [fad83d] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix shutting deluged down when using Python 2.6
04:48 Changeset [121d63]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix shutting deluged down when using Python 2.6
03:51 Changeset [aebc01]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
add installer file and association reg
03:01 Changeset [c90594]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Clean up win32/
02:41 Ticket #598 (deluged does not stop or kill) updated by andar
Replying to arvid@cs.umu.se: > So, logging should be added …
02:10 Ticket #598 (deluged does not stop or kill) updated by arvid@cs.umu.se
So, logging should be added so that this can be confirmed to be the …
00:14 Changeset [6fdd66]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
remove iterator method put in by mistake
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.