- 22:00 Ticket #636 (start_localhost deluged config to gtkui location...) closed by
- fixed: Thanks. This has been fixed in [4342] and [4343].
- 21:59 Changeset [52e1c0] by
- Fix #636 not setting the daemon's config directory when using …
- 21:59 Changeset [8503e2c]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- Fix #636 not setting the daemon's config directory when using …
- 21:49 Changeset [0ffc306]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- Fix tracker_icons to use the correct config directory, not the default one
- 17:19 Ticket #635 (Autofocus to password input in webui...) updated by
Milestone changed
- 17:19 Ticket #635 (Autofocus to password input in webui...) updated by
- Note : fixed in 1.1, not in 1.0.
- 17:18 Ticket #635 (Autofocus to password input in webui...) updated by
- r4341 , error class set to 400px. We're in transition from plain js …
- 17:15 Changeset [307099a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- .error class set to 400 px
- 17:11 Ticket #635 (Autofocus to password input in webui...) closed by
- fixed: Thanks, I like a report with a patch. fixed in r4340
- 17:11 Changeset [2f8c10]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- focus on pwd field;patch from #365 by dasnyderx
- 04:25 Ticket #627 (Adding multiple torrents has un-intuitive behavior) reopened by
- Mind explaining the rational for leaving the behavior as is? I'm …
- 04:16 Ticket #636 (start_localhost deluged config to gtkui location...) created by
- While trying to hack on deluge (installed in a develop dir) and …
- 04:09 Ticket #627 (Adding multiple torrents has un-intuitive behavior) closed by
- wontfix
- 04:08 Ticket #625 (Downloads lost after PC crash) closed by
- invalid: it already does. i'll tell the crash gods that you arent happy with them
- 04:06 Ticket #631 (Deluge does not support HTTPS trackers) closed by
- invalid: yes, it does. andar and i have both tested this. you're probably …
- 03:06 Ticket #635 (Autofocus to password input in webui...) created by
- Currently, whenever the user goes initially goes to the login page on …
- 02:51 Ticket #634 (Merge the FAQs...) created by
- Currently, there are two FAQs (http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Faq …
- 00:46 Ticket #633 (Deluge freezes and all torrents disappear) created by
- Deluge sort of freezes and all the torrents disappear. The program …
- 23:49 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) closed by
- fixed: Yes, an UI alert should come up, but this 'fix' was added kind of late …
- 23:18 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
Priority, Type changed
I've checked the logs, it kept saying: "setting file priority with … - 08:29 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
- The daemon generally logs to ~/.config/deluge/deluged.log but the …
- 07:09 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
- Sorry about the excessive comments, but I was using it again and it …
- 06:04 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
- I tested it with another torrent and it worked fine.
- 04:20 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
- Did you actually add the torrent with full allocation? Just changing …
- 02:08 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
Component changed
- 02:07 Ticket #624 (Ubuntu priority display) updated by
Priority changed
Same story. I specifically checked Full Allocation. No changes.
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