

22:19 Ticket #662 (crashes at startup) closed by markybob
wontfix: 0.5.x is no longer being worked on
10:26 Ticket #662 (crashes at startup) updated by dalloliogm@gmail.com
Replying to dalloliogm@…: ah well, sorry but this bug …
10:21 Ticket #662 (crashes at startup) created by dalloliogm@gmail.com
deluge doesn't start. If you execute it from a command line, I get the …
10:07 Ticket #661 (Tracker name doesn't show .co.uk trackers properely (1.2.0_dev)) closed by andar
fixed: Fixed in [4444]
10:07 Changeset [d20742]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix #661 show proper tracker host when ending in .co.uk, .com.au, etc..
10:07 Changeset [86f918] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix #661 show proper tracker host when ending in .co.uk, .com.au, etc..
08:20 Ticket #661 (Tracker name doesn't show .co.uk trackers properely (1.2.0_dev)) created by AlexC
In the tracker column, status tab and sidebar on 1.2.0_dev it shortens …
06:33 Changeset [9b1ea3] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Santify the icons
02:44 Changeset [db3a05]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
update translator credits
02:44 Changeset [e7aad6] by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
update translator credits


23:21 Ticket #660 (autoadd broken in svn trunk) created by anonymous
autoadd no longer works in trunk. it makes the daemon not start now
22:57 Ticket #430 (invalid bencoding of tracker response) closed by markybob
fixed: been fixed a little while back
20:43 Ticket #656 (SVN version does not add torrents to the list) updated by anonymous
Priority, Milestone changed
After upgrading to the latest svn version deluge would not even open, …
19:48 Ticket #658 ([PATCH]added pam fallback to authentication) closed by markybob
16:30 Ticket #657 (Torrent numbering) updated by anonymous
i can confirm, its solely based on queue and once stuff is downloaded …
16:18 Ticket #656 (SVN version does not add torrents to the list) updated by anonymous
run deluged -d in a terminal, i had a similar problem but it worked …
16:09 0001-if-no-auth-file-checks-if-that-user-has-log-in-capab.patch attached to Ticket #659 by scientes
add simple pam fallback to daemon auth
16:08 Ticket #659 (Added pam fallback to authentication) created by scientes
if there is no entry for the user authenticating against checks if it …
16:07 Ticket #658 ([PATCH]added pam fallback to authentication) created by scientes
if there is no entry for the user authenticating against checks if it …
12:44 Ticket #657 (Torrent numbering) created by anonymous
Hi, I find it very difficult to keep track of torrents when you have …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.