

14:03 Ticket #605 (Rename completed download then restarting daemon causes torrent to ...) updated by civmaniac@gmail.com
Well, I had no such problems in 1.1.0. Deluge did remember renamed …
11:47 Ticket #764 (Go to Website button) created by obo
the button: go to website that appear to notify the new version don't work.
09:22 Ticket #763 (Invalid tracker host in left-side panel (trackers list)) created by anonymous
Torrents where tracker name similar "example.org.ru" displayed as …
08:49 Ticket #633 (Deluge freezes and all torrents disappear) updated by dlgtho@gmail.com
happened to me today after upgrade to 1.1.1. left it for a night and …
05:06 Changeset [d727a5]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
Updated for new year


20:16 Ticket #762 (Better Console UI) created by anonymous
Hi. Better console UI (e.g. ncurses) should be great!
19:02 Ticket #686 (Checking fails completely) updated by anonymous
Still have this problem on 1.1.1 I guess this might be different …
16:58 Screenshot-Deluge.png attached to Ticket #761 by anonymous
Nasty sidepane
16:55 Ticket #761 (White and unreadable sidepane when using dark themes) created by anonymous
This is what happens under Gnome (Ubuntu 8.10) when using a dark theme …
14:27 Ticket #702 (renamed folers rollback to it original name) updated by axet
i check this situation in deluge and libtorrent sources. and found two …
14:22 Ticket #702 (renamed folers rollback to it original name) updated by axet
it should be easy to solve. i have run simple test: 1. run deluge …
14:01 Ticket #760 (Changed filenames don't save) updated by eatsleepgame@gmail.com
I've not tried 1.11. I actually didn't notice it came out until you …
13:14 Ticket #760 (Changed filenames don't save) updated by axet
how about 1.1.1?
11:14 Ticket #742 (Add GTK UI over SSH to ThinClient UserGuide) closed by John Garland
04:22 Ticket #760 (Changed filenames don't save) created by eatsleepgame@gmail.com
Whenever I change a filename in a torrent and restart Deluge, the …
03:34 Changeset [3cccd2]deluge-1.1.1 by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Tag 1.1.1 release
03:21 Changeset [eca8ce] by Marcos Pinto <markybob@dipconsultants.com>
lang sync
02:51 Changeset [20751de]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
ltsync 3211
02:51 Changeset [6847db] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
ltsync 3211
02:17 Changeset [24e526]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Revert unintended change
02:10 Changeset [e8d75c] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 3209
02:10 Changeset [569737]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
lt sync 3209
00:33 Changeset [2de480] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Prep for release
00:11 Ticket #759 (deluge daemon segfault) updated by Gio
More informations : System : Ubuntu 8.10 with graphical interface. …
00:06 Ticket #759 (deluge daemon segfault) created by Gio
Sometimes when i am downloading the deluged stopped with this error in …
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