

23:00 Changeset [7fb9af]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
add a basic implementation of the sidebar
22:40 Changeset [f3fd90]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
add a favicon
22:29 Changeset [1229e9]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
add color to input boxes so text is visible whilst using a dark …
22:04 Ticket #852 (Ability to rename labels) updated by neggelandia@gmail.com
Type changed
22:01 Ticket #853 (Removing label speed limit doesn't remove the limit on the torrent itself) created by neggelandia@gmail.com
Let's say I have a label called "Movies", and I have the download …
21:35 Ticket #852 (Ability to rename labels) created by neggelandia@gmail.com
When you right-click a an existing label there should be an option to …
21:34 Ticket #851 (Labels can only be lowercase) created by neggelandia@gmail.com
Scenario: 1. Right-click a label and choose Add Label 2. Enter …
14:26 Ticket #850 (Clickable URL in 'Comments' field (Details tab)) created by secret@pop3.ru


19:36 Ticket #335 (can not connect to ipv6 only tracker) updated by an anonymous coward
Version changed
I would like to see this feature too. (currently on 1.1.5)
12:53 Ticket #849 (In Ubuntu Jaunty the external disk must be "active" for deluge to start up.) created by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
Using distribution Ubuntu Jaunty and Deluge GTK gui. Previously (and …
01:08 Ticket #848 (Problems with proxy) created by minder
I use latest version (svn). I encountered this problem several weeks …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.