

08:47 Ticket #961 (Update libtorrent for CVE-2009-1760) created by rbu
Directory traversal vulnerability in src/torrent_info.cpp in Rasterbar …


19:09 Ticket #960 (Choosing paths for (not) localhost torrents) updated by funkyflash
That works like a charm. Thanks!
18:50 Ticket #960 (Choosing paths for (not) localhost torrents) closed by andar
wontfix: The easiest solution is to forward (or any other local …
18:45 Ticket #960 (Choosing paths for (not) localhost torrents) created by funkyflash
I have deluged running at a box at home, and for the sake of being …
16:12 Changeset [3458b2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add option in Preferences to change the listen interface
08:21 Ticket #793 (completed torrents moved on startup) updated by civmaniac@gmail.com
Version, Milestone changed
Bug persists in 1.1.8. Fix it, please!
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.