

23:31 Changeset [0b94e4]deluge-1.1.9 by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Tag 1.1.9 release
23:29 Changeset [ef5186] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Prep for release
23:07 Changeset [aca80e] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update translations
22:08 Ticket #962 ("Segmantation fault" when removing several torrents from disk) updated by andar
I can't seem to reproduce this.. Are you removing all the torrents in …


21:48 Ticket #962 ("Segmantation fault" when removing several torrents from disk) created by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
SVN: r5356 Using GTK gui. Problem: Crashes when removing several …
01:56 Ticket #961 (Update libtorrent for CVE-2009-1760) updated by andar
This has been done in svn since we automatically sync from the …
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