

21:45 Ticket #964 (free torrent flag) updated by andar
I don't understand the point of the flag?
21:09 exit.log.gz attached to Ticket #966 by ubuntolog@gmail.com
21:08 startup.log.gz attached to Ticket #966 by ubuntolog@gmail.com
21:07 Ticket #966 (Deluge doesn't create or rewrite some config files) created by Zarbis
0) run deluge, exit 1) go to ~/.config/deluge, move/rename/delete for …


15:32 Ticket #965 (Weird connections to created by jankratochvil
Started getting these weird local httpd requests: […] It came from …
13:25 Ticket #964 (free torrent flag) updated by bikmak@gmail,com
'Free torrent' means the torrent site don't count the download just …
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