

20:51 Ticket #968 (Sidebar active tab not workin) closed by andar
worksforme: I can't reproduce this.
18:28 Changeset [46163b]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
split out getting host status from getting the host list to greatly …
14:11 Changeset [1badf0] by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
dummy function now accepts arbitrary number of variables. metafile …
14:11 Changeset [4b934a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
dummy function now accepts arbitrary number of variables. metafile …
10:50 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) updated by Damien Churchill
From wikipedia: "Most modern file systems support sparse files, …
10:40 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) updated by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
I am on Ubuntu, but my external disks have FAT and NTFS for …
10:36 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) updated by Damien Churchill
10:31 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) updated by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
I think you misunderstood, I know you have to download pieces from …
10:22 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) closed by Damien Churchill
wontfix: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Faq#DelugesometimescreatesfilesthatI
09:39 Ticket #969 (Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download) created by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
When using full allocation with torrents that have multiple files. If …
09:32 Ticket #962 ("Segmantation fault" when removing several torrents from disk) updated by tim.kornhammar@gmail.com
I tried to reproduce it again and it struck me that it only happens on …
07:58 Changeset [206718]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
fix adding hosts to the connection manager
07:56 Changeset [7bdc59]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
fix the error callbacks in the client
06:45 Ticket #968 (Sidebar active tab not workin) created by kaali
When u press active tab.. It'll show active torrents for like 1 …
06:39 Ticket #967 (Remove/stop torrent after x time seeding) created by kaali
Summary pretty much says it.. option to set how long time torrent is …


21:45 Ticket #964 (free torrent flag) updated by andar
I don't understand the point of the flag?
21:09 exit.log.gz attached to Ticket #966 by ubuntolog@gmail.com
21:08 startup.log.gz attached to Ticket #966 by ubuntolog@gmail.com
21:07 Ticket #966 (Deluge doesn't create or rewrite some config files) created by Zarbis
0) run deluge, exit 1) go to ~/.config/deluge, move/rename/delete for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.