

22:16 Changeset [5d85af]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add SSL exception to license in the about dialog
19:07 Changeset [9712d1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Fredrik Eriksson <feeder@winterbird.org>
Updated the feeder init.py for 1.2
18:55 Changeset [753e17]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Fredrik Eriksson <feeder@winterbird.org>
importing the feeder-plugin for porting to 1.2
02:54 Ticket #1009 (Enabling a plugin adds two items of the same name to the "Categories" view) updated by andar
Is it a specific plugin? What plugins are you enabling?


20:38 Ticket #1009 (Enabling a plugin adds two items of the same name to the "Categories" view) created by squisher
Using rev. 5707, when I enable a plugin it gets added twice to the …
19:22 Ticket #1008 (Show country name when hovering over flag) closed by andar
duplicate: This is already in trunk.
16:41 Ticket #1008 (Show country name when hovering over flag) created by PlasmaSheep
I would really like it if, when hovering over the flag shown to the …
06:38 Ticket #53 (A delete file entry in the right click menu in Files tab) reopened by miffe
Reopening as this is still missing
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.