

16:57 Ticket #1033 (Switch from gettext to Babel) updated by s0undt3ch
Replying to andar: > Would the template extract be …
16:49 Ticket #1033 (Switch from gettext to Babel) updated by andar
Would the template extract be compatible with gettext? Would we still …
16:34 Ticket #1033 (Switch from gettext to Babel) created by s0undt3ch
Would there be interest into switching from gettext to …
15:52 Ticket #1032 (Error-out if downloaded torrent data is suddenly missing) created by s0undt3ch
When a seeding torrent data is moved on the file-system from outside …


04:08 Ticket #1031 (% of downloaded file could be displayed also for directories) created by m_gol
It would be useful if you could not only see how much % of a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.