

17:22 Changeset [e73052]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix printing info, help, etc.. on the command line
17:22 Changeset [441c204] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix printing info, help, etc.. on the command line
11:09 Ticket #1068 ("Error getting torrent info" on deluge-console info command) created by Murz
I have an Kubuntu Karmic AMD64 & Deluge-torrent …
04:04 Changeset [9b8282]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix disabling/enabling plugins after switching daemons
04:04 Changeset [8c7bbb] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix disabling/enabling plugins after switching daemons
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.