

22:38 Ticket #935 (High cpu usage with dowload speed limit) reopened by wWolf
Cofirm that it's still there, and that it eats 100% of one of cores of …
15:26 Ticket #1109 (watch dir with special characters) created by MartinEve
Deluge RC5 seems to halt the watch-dir functionality whenever a …


17:10 Changeset [7f3329]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
Fix not being able to rename folder due to constant updating
17:09 Changeset [afbeaa] by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
Fix torrent info name not being utf-8 decoded when root file/folder …
17:09 Changeset [3e6762]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnyg@gmail.com>
Fix torrent info name not being utf-8 decoded when root file/folder …
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