

14:07 Changeset [9b97c6a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
put the default password in the manpage for those too lazy to type …
14:07 Changeset [547cfa] by Damien Churchill <damoc@gmail.com>
put the default password in the manpage for those too lazy to type …


15:57 Ticket #1036 (Deluge GTK UI doesn't connect to selected daemon automatically on start-up) updated by boteeka
Cc changed
15:52 deluge_terminal_output.txt attached to Ticket #1036 by boteeka
15:51 deluge.2.log attached to Ticket #1036 by boteeka
15:51 Ticket #1036 (Deluge GTK UI doesn't connect to selected daemon automatically on start-up) updated by boteeka
Ok, the only significant difference I can find is in the gtkui.conf …
09:32 Ticket #1085 (label plugin errors) updated by day
It's works now! Thanks!
08:37 Ticket #1118 (Tracker announce doesn't obey connection attempts speed) created by MartinEve
It seems that tracker announces are not obeying the settings for …
08:35 Ticket #1109 (watch dir with special characters) updated by MartinEve
Status changed
I will try the logging tonight and report back. However, I have also …
00:20 Ticket #1085 (label plugin errors) updated by andar
Try removing your label.conf file and re-doing your label config.
00:19 Ticket #1117 ([PATCH] can't press '3' key in deluge-console) updated by andar
Milestone changed
00:19 Ticket #1117 ([PATCH] can't press '3' key in deluge-console) closed by andar
fixed: Fixed in [6077] Thanks
00:18 Changeset [97375f]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix #1117 can't use the '3' key
00:18 Changeset [3870c2] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix #1117 can't use the '3' key
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.