

22:43 Ticket #1153 (deluge should not allow multiple instances of itself to be run) updated by enb
Those pics were taken at the same time, from the same machine.
22:42 gtk.png attached to Ticket #1153 by enb
22:42 web.png attached to Ticket #1153 by enb
22:41 Ticket #1153 (deluge should not allow multiple instances of itself to be run) created by enb
The gtkui and webui are listing different torrents. The lists are not …
19:41 Ticket #1152 (Don't remove automatically added torrents) created by prisoniere
When one checks the option "Automatically add .torrent files from: …
13:02 Ticket #1151 (console ui unable to automatically connect) updated by quite
(ah, yes, issuing the command "connect localhost user pass" does work)
13:02 Ticket #1151 (console ui unable to automatically connect) created by quite
When starting up console ui, it fails to connect to the deluged (on …
07:46 Changeset [8e5f8b] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Multi-platform fix for #1147.
07:43 Changeset [a065f9]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Cross-platform fix for #1147.


17:36 Changeset [3791fe]deluge-1.2.1 by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix typo
17:20 Changeset [27c0f3] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Prep for release
17:17 Changeset [c60561] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update Changelog
17:12 Changeset [443d4d] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Merge branch '1.2-stable' of deluge-torrent.org:deluge into 1.2-stable
17:11 Changeset [34fb2d] by andrew <andrew@samsquanch.(none)>
Update translations
16:59 Ticket #693 (share ratio limit not respected) reopened by boteeka
Still does not seem to be fixed in 1.2. As a matter of fact it only …
16:56 Changeset [95b26e] by andrew <andrew@samsquanch.(none)>
Make Deluge dependent on libtorrent 0.14.9 or greater. This is due to …
15:32 Changeset [8dd4d2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fixed typo.
15:31 Changeset [dc3573] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fixed typo.
00:07 Changeset [292428] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
update the changelog to include #1148 fixed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.