

23:15 Ticket #1140 (Console ui "add" autocomplete crashes on unicode filename) updated by Calum
Type changed
22:14 Ticket #1223 (Unnecessary DLLs on Windows) updated by andar
Status changed
Are we sure these are unnecessary on all supported versions of …
21:31 Ticket #1000 (Torrent should be automatically selected for Statistics display) updated by Calum
Priority, Version, Milestone changed
20:58 Ticket #1151 (console ui unable to automatically connect) updated by Calum
Priority, Status changed
is this actually still an issue as i can connect to my localhost …
20:53 Ticket #1223 (Unnecessary DLLs on Windows) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
20:50 Ticket #869 (concurrent downloads using same name are not handled) updated by Calum
Priority, Version changed
20:27 Ticket #1105 (GTK autotranslation guesses wrong and there is no preference to set it ...) updated by Calum
Status changed
Are you still experiencing this problem. If this is a Windows system …
20:15 Ticket #1131 (Deluge fails to download only selected files) closed by Calum
wontfix: I concur with damoxc that this is not a bug. The screenshot shows a …


14:08 Changeset [80e480]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix fsize by initialising gettext
09:25 Ticket #1225 (Deluge apply the queue preferences of label always) closed by simonbcn
fixed: ok, it's true.
03:07 Ticket #1130 (IPv6 Interfaces support (daemon,webui,gtk)) updated by tikal808
Cc changed
I really need deluged, webui and gtk to listen on IPv6 interfaces as …
01:36 Ticket #1225 (Deluge apply the queue preferences of label always) updated by Chase
This change was made so that if you apply a label that overrides …
00:00 Ticket #1184 (WebUI doesn't show filter data 1.3.0) closed by trac-robot
This ticket was closed automatically by the system. It was previously …
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