

22:07 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) updated by Calum
Status changed
One suggestion I thought of is to increase the cache size. This …
20:54 Ticket #1244 (Use a path in the filename when adding from a URL) closed by Calum
invalid: Simply point deluged config directory to a non-root directory with the …
20:36 Ticket #1244 (Use a path in the filename when adding from a URL) created by keosukoa
I am running deluged as a service as a NON-root user. Problem is when …
17:10 Ticket #1243 (WebUI doesn't populate files tab properly on windows server) updated by Chase
Here is the webui debug log, although I'm not sure there is anything …
17:09 Ticket #1243 (WebUI doesn't populate files tab properly on windows server) created by Chase
When the webui is running on a Windows server, and a torrent contains …
14:42 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) updated by Calum
I think you will find that disk io is being maxed out while creating a …
14:17 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) updated by toniboni88
Status changed
OS: Ubuntu Server 9.10 Processor: Intel Core2Duo 2x 2.33+ GHz 3 MB L2 …
13:55 Ticket #1242 (Preferences apply extra config values) created by Calum
Whenever you hit the apply button in the gtk prefs this will appear in …
13:18 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) updated by Calum
Status changed


12:28 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
12:25 Ticket #1239 ("Torrent not registered" not counted in Tracker Error status) updated by Calum
Priority, Summary, Milestone changed
12:22 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) updated by Calum
Priority, Type changed
need a lot more details such as: what is a big file? upload speed of …
12:12 Ticket #1236 (Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable) closed by Calum
duplicate: #651
11:47 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by gadpetrovich
Type changed
10:02 Ticket #1236 (Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
09:55 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by Damien Churchill
diff -u in future please :-)
09:17 Ticket #1241 (Upload Speed Down when create torrent file) created by toniboni88
When I create an torrent file from a big file, the upload speed drops …
09:04 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by gadpetrovich
Milestone changed
08:59 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by gadpetrovich
Summary changed
08:58 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by gadpetrovich
diff core.py …
08:56 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") updated by gadpetrovich
Summary changed
diff core.py …
08:03 Ticket #1240 (Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path") created by gadpetrovich
07:27 Ticket #1236 (Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable) updated by Plexus
Summary changed
07:26 Ticket #1236 (Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable) updated by Plexus
Type changed
07:26 Ticket #1236 (Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable) updated by Plexus
Status changed
I just figured out, what the problem was: I connected to my server via …
03:08 Changeset [d024c2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Revert previous change
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.