

23:31 Changeset [75b69b]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix setting the root node
22:43 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
22:40 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Damien Churchill
Component changed
An improvement at least, I guess this is a libtorrent issue then.
22:37 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by skuppyJ
Alright, I did it and now I'm running libtorrent 0.15 successfully. …
22:26 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Damien Churchill
You could try installing Python 2.6 and python-libtorrent separately …
22:24 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by skuppyJ
Yeah, Windows has libtorrent, I'm sure you are well aware. …
22:20 Changeset [f5edda]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
tidy up the code for the files tab
22:19 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Damien Churchill
Ah we'll need to get a Windows build out with libtorrent 0.15 to check …
22:06 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by skuppyJ
It is. I still am having this issue with the latest version 1.2.3 for …
22:00 Changeset [d49e1e]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix updating the file tree in the file details tab
21:27 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Damien Churchill
Status changed
Is this still valid?
21:14 Ticket #1140 (Console ui "add" autocomplete crashes on unicode filename) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Applied to master, thanks!
21:13 Changeset [e86d2a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
apply unicode patch from nullie, fixes (#1140)
17:33 Ticket #1242 (Preferences apply extra config values) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Fixed in master!
17:32 Changeset [5effdd]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
store listen_ports and outgoing_ports as tuples for the config set, …
17:29 Ticket #1165 ("Add webseed" option) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
17:23 Ticket #1195 (Right-click on folder in Files Tab problem) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
17:21 Ticket #895 (Deluge shows only halves of icons in the tree area) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
17:19 Ticket #733 (Label plugin broken in web interface) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Fixed in master.
17:16 Changeset [c2b4fad]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
implement getting and saving label options
17:16 Changeset [82a5b5]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix the torrent grid, clear the torrents on disconnect, not logout
17:16 Changeset [1b0e08]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix disabling the execute plugin
17:16 Changeset [49ec3a1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
remove the paranthesis from the @exports
13:12 Changeset [e5e4353] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix deluge-gtk hanging on shutdown (for real this time)
12:43 Ticket #1247 (deluge-gtk hangs on shutdown) closed by John Garland
fixed: This has been fixed in 5766e049876ff67ee6e8e3c502a8da3bb09405a0
12:39 Changeset [23544bd]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Close the connection manager on shutdown - patch from Jan Steffens
12:39 Changeset [5766e0]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix deluge-gtk hanging on shutdown (#1247) - thanks Jan Steffens
12:28 Changeset [9e4a92] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Close connection manager on shutdown - patch from Jan Steffens
12:28 Changeset [72fd3b] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix deluge-gtk hanging on shutdown (thanks Jan Steffens)


11:13 Ticket #1255 (Deluge window not displaying) created by Astraa
Sits in Task bar, will not maximise unless task manager used to bring …
00:00 Tickets #1105,​1151 batch updated by trac-robot
This ticket was closed automatically by the system. It was previously …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.