

22:03 Changeset [e304c1] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
update the ChangeLog
22:01 Changeset [48d3e8] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update windows build files
21:52 Changeset [44f9e1] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update version Update ChangeLog
21:46 Changeset [369b03]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update version
20:32 Ticket #1264 ("stop seed at ratio" doesn't work for partially downloaded torrents) created by 3l3nril
When I add torrent and set some files not to be downloaded, deluge …
17:55 Ticket #1263 (Deluge does not remember column width) updated by C1eDoDe1
Component changed
17:53 Ticket #1263 (Deluge does not remember column width) created by C1eDoDe1
Deluge does not remember column width. And I should resize width of …
11:59 Ticket #1262 (Uploading plugin with webui fail, faulty named filename on server) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Fixed in master.
11:25 Changeset [e7907a]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix uploading plugins in shit browsers
10:55 Changeset [cee416]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix expanding nested folders in the files tab
05:45 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by skuppyJ
Well it seems after a restart, the problem disappeared. So I think the …
02:56 Ticket #1262 (Uploading plugin with webui fail, faulty named filename on server) created by olmari
When I upload a plugin into deluge 1.2.3 trough webui, it saves the …
01:05 Ticket #1261 (IPv6 support in RPC) created by olmari
I see few tickets about needing IPv6 support in deluge-web, but I'd …
01:02 Ticket #1130 (IPv6 Interfaces support (daemon,webui,gtk)) updated by olmari
Cc changed
01:01 Ticket #1256 (deluge-web does not listen on ipv6 socket) updated by olmari
Keywords, Cc changed
I second this one :)


18:32 Ticket #1237 (Creating Torrent - choose multiple files / folders) closed by andar
wontfix: This is out of scope for Deluge. We have a simple torrent creator and …
18:29 Ticket #1174 (Incorrect reporting of Download Progress) updated by andar
Status changed
Has this been confirmed to still be an issue with the latest master?
18:26 Ticket #1260 (Handle redirection better with httpdownloader) updated by Damien Churchill
I think you should be able to provide a flag that determines the action.
18:23 Ticket #1260 (Handle redirection better with httpdownloader) created by John Garland
Either handle redirection internally inside httpdownloader or provide …
18:05 Changeset [53a9c2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix tracker_icons not handling relative redirects
17:19 Changeset [d6c8b1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Handle trackers with incorrect / missing icon mimetypes
16:49 Changeset [ba0335]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Add more HTTP status codes to httpdownloader
16:31 Changeset [d28cf9]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Rename mimetype helper methods and rewrite to use a common dict
13:19 Ticket #1259 (add magnet link support to webui) updated by chaz6
Cc changed
13:03 Ticket #1258 (deluge-console add doesnt support url) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
13:03 Ticket #1259 (add magnet link support to webui) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
13:01 Ticket #1259 (add magnet link support to webui) created by hayleyw
deluge-web gives an error when you use a magnet link in add url
12:47 Ticket #1258 (deluge-console add doesnt support url) updated by chaz6
Cc changed
12:39 Ticket #1258 (deluge-console add doesnt support url) updated by hayleyw
12:38 Ticket #1258 (deluge-console add doesnt support url) created by hayleyw
pretty simple...deluge-console add only supports local files, no …
11:02 Changeset [452656]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damien.churchill@ukplc.net>
remove some trailing commas that break the ui in IE
00:00 Tickets #917,​1200 batch updated by trac-robot
This ticket was closed automatically by the system. It was previously …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.