

19:45 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) updated by shinkasa
I will add that the CPU IO randomly goes down to "normal levels" of 5%.
16:31 Picture 23.png attached to Ticket #1287 by shinkasa
High IO, low CPU. Active torrents: 32 | Active downloads: 2 @ 243KB/s …
16:24 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) created by shinkasa
Deluge 1.2.3 high CPU IO usage. CPU IO usage goes up to 50% usage …
15:27 Ticket #1286 (IPv6 Preference Needed) created by jx77
Deluge should have an option in it's Network Preferences, to disable …


14:41 Ticket #1263 (Deluge does not remember column width) updated by C1eDoDe1
Replying to johnnyg: > How are you closing down the GTK …
03:32 Ticket #1285 (An option to trash/delete the .torrent files) created by amrhassan
I'd love an option to make Deluge automatically trash/delete my …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.