

23:52 Ticket #1292 (Torrents with non-ascii (0x80-0xFF) character hidden in gtkui) created by pipe
I downloaded two torrent files with an 'Ü' in the filename, and in the …
23:27 Ticket #1174 (Incorrect reporting of Download Progress) updated by mintz
This is not a Windows issue. I am experiencing this problem with 1.23 …
16:34 Ticket #1291 (Cannot register to forum) closed by andar
fixed: I've disabled the captcha requirement for the time being.
14:27 Ticket #1289 (Execute plugin broken) updated by konti
Cc changed
14:06 Changeset [2e5576] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix typo in execute plugin
14:04 Changeset [0314d0]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix typo in execute plugin
13:56 Ticket #1291 (Cannot register to forum) created by spjoe
No captcha Field, by forum registration I saw the sticky news …
11:07 Ticket #1290 ([Execute] plug-in should support more events) created by shrike
Execute plug-in should have more events attached to it. At least …
10:28 Ticket #1289 (Execute plugin broken) created by konti
Configuring the execute plugin doesn't work. Tested with .sh and .py …
09:44 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) updated by shinkasa
I used webmin for the CPU IO stats. I found that using TOP showed that …
09:41 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) closed by shinkasa
09:13 Ticket #1288 (Deluge not work with Wine) updated by Damien Churchill
Why do you want to run Deluge in wine?
08:12 Ticket #1288 (Deluge not work with Wine) updated by caravena
Cc changed
08:08 Runtime.Error_R6034.png attached to Ticket #1288 by caravena
08:08 Ticket #1288 (Deluge not work with Wine) created by caravena
Deluge version: deluge-1.3.0-rc1-win32-setup.exe Wine version: …


19:45 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) updated by shinkasa
I will add that the CPU IO randomly goes down to "normal levels" of 5%.
16:31 Picture 23.png attached to Ticket #1287 by shinkasa
High IO, low CPU. Active torrents: 32 | Active downloads: 2 @ 243KB/s …
16:24 Ticket #1287 (High CPU I/O Wait Usage) created by shinkasa
Deluge 1.2.3 high CPU IO usage. CPU IO usage goes up to 50% usage …
15:27 Ticket #1286 (IPv6 Preference Needed) created by jx77
Deluge should have an option in it's Network Preferences, to disable …
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