

17:51 Changeset [efecf38]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Attempt to create a move_storage destination path if it doesn't exist
17:50 Changeset [d793b9e] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Attempt to create a move_storage destination path if it doesn't exist
12:08 Ticket #1331 (No cookies set on Chromium browser) updated by gozza11
version: 5.0.375.99 im guessing the same problem occurs with …
10:06 Ticket #1331 (No cookies set on Chromium browser) updated by Damien Churchill
What version of chromium is this? I have been using Chromium …
09:44 Ticket #1331 (No cookies set on Chromium browser) created by gozza11
When trying to log into the webui running on an Arch Linux server i …
06:05 Ticket #1319 (Shift-selecting files in web interface doesn't work) updated by anonova
I can partially confirm this. Shift+clicking does correctly select …


23:05 Ticket #1330 ([Scheduler] Torrents in paused mode after restarting deluge while in ...) updated by tim-m89
Those above were not supposed to be track links but the numbers of of …
22:58 Ticket #1330 ([Scheduler] Torrents in paused mode after restarting deluge while in ...) created by tim-m89
deluge:1.3.0-rc1 libtorrent: Upon transitioning from the …
16:45 Ticket #856 (Torrents sharing same folder name issue) updated by caramba
They shouldn't share the same folder in the first place, it should be …
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