

16:58 Changeset [97453d] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add test suite for SessionProxy
16:57 Changeset [ce8ef4f]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add test suite for SessionProxy
16:18 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) updated by dfalk
Replying to damoxc: > Could you check 1.3.0rc1 please, …
14:00 Ticket #1331 (No cookies set on Chromium browser) updated by Damien Churchill
A good idea. Could you create a ticket targeting milestone 1.4 for that.
13:07 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) updated by Damien Churchill
Could you check 1.3.0rc1 please, 1.2.3 isn't the latest version.
02:08 Ticket #1076 ([webui] 1.2.x - impossible to reverse proxy with apache) updated by orbisvicis
Upgraded to the current dev trunk - 1.3.900 - and everything is …


19:22 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) reopened by dfalk
The same thing happens to me on 1.2.3. I've checked the port range …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.