

00:18 Ticket #1336 (Width of columns in the "Files" tab) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
00:17 Ticket #1359 (Torrent file checking stops at x%) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
00:17 Ticket #1364 (Error when saving preferences) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
00:17 Ticket #1360 (deluged should announce itself over zeroconf) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
00:17 Ticket #1354 (Command ui-interface for deluge-web) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
00:14 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed


23:50 Ticket #1327 (Add option to New Release notification to ignore Beta or RC versions) updated by John Garland
Status, Owner changed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.