

03:39 Ticket #1316 (Implement file/folder renaming in Web UI) updated by John Garland
Keywords changed
03:21 Ticket #1367 (Renaming Files in WebUI) closed by John Garland
duplicate: Oops, there was already one open: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/1316
03:16 Ticket #1367 (Renaming Files in WebUI) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
03:16 Ticket #1367 (Renaming Files in WebUI) updated by John Garland
Version, Type changed
03:07 Ticket #1367 (Renaming Files in WebUI) created by John.Doe
As politely asked …
02:57 Ticket #801 (Idea for renaming and organization of torrents with hard links) closed by John Garland
wontfix: 1. Hard links aren't supported by all filesystems 1. I don't see how …


22:18 Ticket #1366 (Default download path) closed by andar
wontfix: The only thing I would consider is maybe changing it to ~/Downloads.
20:05 Ticket #1366 (Default download path) created by kosmik
By default download path is /root, or /home/user. What about path = …
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