

13:20 deluge-warning.log attached to Ticket #1369 by Thump
Warning-level log of deluge.exe
13:19 Ticket #1369 (MS Windows %APPDATA% non-ascii) created by Thump
I can't use Deluge 1.3.0 on Windows 7 x86-32 because my user-name …
11:30 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by whoozle
gentoo x86_64, deluge 1.2.3/1.3.0, sometime deluged goes mad using …


20:05 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by deviantintegral
I installed it by creating a patch and applying it to the sources used …
17:47 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by andar
Please try using the RC_0_15 branch of libtorrent and see if that …
16:50 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by deviantintegral
I'm using: […] So that issue is likely the problem. I guess …
16:44 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by andar
What version of libtorrent? There is a known problem with 0.15.3 and …
14:53 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by deviantintegral
Version changed
I'm also running into this issue. I'm using the Ubuntu 10.10 source …
02:43 Ticket #1368 (Move to trash or optional confirmation dialog when removing data) created by SpinUp
It would be great if Duluge could use the trash if it's available when …
01:39 Changeset [40ce4e] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Use better attribute / method names in blocklist
01:39 Changeset [df9522]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Use better attribute / method names in blocklist
01:37 Changeset [c029c3] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix attribute error in blocklist plugin
01:30 Changeset [463fd3]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix attribute error in blocklist plugin
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.