

22:53 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by Svenstaro
Cc changed
What's the status on this?
21:06 Ticket #1381 (Error calling method `web.get_host_status`) updated by Svenstaro
Cc changed
21:05 Ticket #1381 (Error calling method `web.get_host_status`) created by Svenstaro
I'm on Arch Linux x86_64. On running the deluge-web daemon, I'm …
12:29 Ticket #1380 ([Scheduler] web UI Interface) created by samuel337
As the summary says - currently no UI appears, although there is some …
08:15 Ticket #1379 (Deluge keeps trying to load net-pf-10 when ipv6 is disabled) created by kirrun
Deluge keeps trying to load net-pf-10 resulting in grsec log being …


23:13 Changeset [4197e1]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
change location of httpdownloader as a temporary fix
23:03 Ticket #1377 (JS bug interfering with enabling plugins) updated by John Garland
Milestone changed
22:59 Changeset [6f0c2a] by John Garland <johnnybg+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix up Changelog (entry was in wrong section)
22:45 Ticket #1370 (Deluge 1.3.0 WebUI doesn't save preferences properly) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: This has been fixed in the commit r7fb483adde.
22:44 Changeset [84ccca] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
update changelog
22:42 Changeset [0360cb]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix a bug in the MultiOptionsManager that didn't fire the right …
22:42 Changeset [7fb483] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix a bug in the MultiOptionsManager that didn't fire the right …
21:03 Ticket #1378 (W3C Errors on Deluge main page) created by Artem Karimov
According to the W3C validator there are some errors in the site's …
12:31 Ticket #1377 (JS bug interfering with enabling plugins) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Patch applied to 1.3-stable and master, thanks!
12:30 Changeset [d2f41f]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
apply patch from #1377
12:30 Changeset [28ce7a] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
apply patch from #1377
12:21 PluginsPage.js.diff attached to Ticket #1377 by samuel337
12:21 Ticket #1377 (JS bug interfering with enabling plugins) created by samuel337
There's a minor bug in PluginsPage.js that causes the interface to not …
00:18 Ticket #935 (High cpu usage with dowload speed limit) updated by wickedboy
Hi I'm not using the gtk client.. I'm using the web client and this …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.