

18:59 Ticket #935 (High cpu usage with dowload speed limit) updated by bleak
I'm having this problem on Ubuntu 10.10, I am running Deluge …
11:21 Ticket #994 (All transfers stall completely when using "Move storage") updated by negge
I can delete large files on my XFS filesystem without any lag, so I'm …
07:30 Ticket #1132 ("Move Storage" and automatic move storage, progress bar) updated by naikoto
And this is a dupe of Ticket #637
07:21 Ticket #1132 ("Move Storage" and automatic move storage, progress bar) updated by naikoto
Also, notice that transfer stalls when moving between partitions: …
07:12 Ticket #1263 (Deluge does not remember column width) updated by naikoto
Related Ticket #1231 and Ticket #1336
07:08 Ticket #1379 (Deluge keeps trying to load net-pf-10 when ipv6 is disabled) updated by naikoto
(offtopic) I had same issue. afaik, ipv6 isn't a module in most …
07:00 Ticket #1340 ("move storage" issue) updated by naikoto
Dupe of Ticket #994
06:51 Ticket #1336 (Width of columns in the "Files" tab) updated by naikoto
Same with torrents list for me. After reload last column is sized up …
06:38 Ticket #994 (All transfers stall completely when using "Move storage") updated by naikoto
I can confirm this for 1.2.3 on debian box. Separate partitions and …


18:25 Ticket #1381 (Error calling method `web.get_host_status`) updated by Svenstaro
The cpu issue is indeed fixed in git, as well as this one. However, …
17:55 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by Svenstaro
I suggest this should be closed then.
14:45 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by socker
From libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.4 changelog: * fixed announce …
06:22 Ticket #1381 (Error calling method `web.get_host_status`) updated by Damien Churchill
Milestone changed
#1312 was regarding the high cpu usage, the 2 issues aren't related.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.