

18:14 Ticket #879 (Upnp forwards aren't closed on exit) updated by Nick
I tested Deluge 1.3.0 with libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.4 which has the …
11:34 cyr-path-deluge-debug.log attached to Ticket #1386 by Thump
Debug-level log of deluge.exe 1.3.1
11:34 Ticket #1386 ([win32] 'Add Torrent' using non-ascii Download Location) created by Thump
I can't point Deluge 1.3.1 on Windows XP SP3 x86-32 to save …
09:15 Changeset [1067eb] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
rebuild the compressed javascript
09:15 Changeset [dca27a] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
update the build file to include the spinnerfieldfix file
09:14 Changeset [87e3a5]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
rebuild the compressed javascript
09:13 Changeset [75e9ff]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
update the build file to include the spinnerfieldfix file


18:20 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) closed by Damien Churchill
fixed: Closing this due to new libtorrent release.
18:18 Milestone 1.3.1 completed
First point release in the 1.3 series.
17:50 Changeset [b0ceae]deluge-1.3.1 by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix copying scripts
17:15 Changeset [dc0bf3] by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Update versions and changelog
14:35 Changeset [3b9d7f] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
remove the convert conf script that won't actually work anymore
14:35 Changeset [b180d2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
remove the convert conf script that won't actually work anymore
13:16 Снимок.png attached to Ticket #1385 by soupault
13:16 Ticket #1385 (Doesnt save the size of configure-window.) created by soupault
After restarting Deluge, config-window's size becomes default. Its …
12:46 scheduler.diff attached to Ticket #1380 by samuel337
Fixed a minor bug when reusing the schedule component.
10:13 Changeset [1822c2]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix a silly bug
10:13 Changeset [a165d5] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix a silly bug
09:18 Changeset [cc02eb] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
Merge branch '1.3-stable' of deluge-torrent.org:deluge into 1.3-stable
09:18 Changeset [40e677]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
Merge branch 'master' of deluge-torrent.org:deluge
09:18 Changeset [f88b24]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
apply 41ffee5 to master
09:16 Changeset [41ffee] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
change entry_points to a dictionary and split it up into console and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.