

22:47 Ticket #1313 (deluge-gtk can't connect to host) closed by Calum
worksforme: i was using lucid client and server for many months with 1.2.3 and …
22:40 Ticket #1335 (Renamed file after daemon restart always downloads again with original ...) updated by Calum
Status changed
can you recheck against latest 1.3 releases as this seems to be fixed
22:34 Ticket #1373 ([win32] Move storage problem with non-ascii paths) updated by Calum
Summary changed
22:24 Ticket #1340 ("move storage" issue) closed by Calum
duplicate: thanks naikoto saves me time searching for that ticket :)
22:22 Ticket #1390 (Add keymaps to webui) updated by Calum
Priority, Summary changed
22:17 Ticket #1283 (Inconsistent UI in Files tab.) updated by Calum
Priority, Type, Milestone changed
22:13 Ticket #1327 (Add option to New Release notification to ignore Beta or RC versions) updated by Calum
Type changed
22:08 Ticket #1288 (Deluge not work with Wine) closed by Calum
wontfix: Deluge source code can be compiled on any platform so there is no need …
22:06 Ticket #1281 (Warn/stop client connecting to incompatible deluged) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
22:03 Ticket #700 (Speed chart) closed by Calum
fixed: Stats plugin does this now.
22:00 Ticket #1278 ("Move storage" in deluge-gtk doesn't work) closed by Calum
fixed: i am closing this bug as i see no problems with 1.3 releases. negge: …
21:53 Ticket #1250 (Error "file too short: ") updated by Calum
Status changed
21:50 Ticket #1213 (Torrents don't retry tracker after tracker error with lt 0.15.0) closed by Calum
21:13 Ticket #1392 (Add "incompatible" status to connection manager) created by John Garland
Currently the connection manager indicates whether or not a listed …
15:10 Ticket #1391 (Improve queue changing performance) created by Damien Churchill
Calculate the new queue positions locally instead of having to wait …
02:26 Ticket #1362 (Major Memory Leak) updated by Thump
Will libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.4 be included in 1.3.2?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.