

04:51 Ticket #1298 (Downloads occasionally just keep going forever, no increase in % downloaded) updated by peterhoeg
Just a few more observations in addition to what floppymaster …
03:39 Ticket #1298 (Downloads occasionally just keep going forever, no increase in % downloaded) updated by floppymaster
Cc changed
I think I have also been having this problem for some time (several …


12:26 Ticket #1454 (memory leak caused by deluge gtk/ui) created by flasher360
the longer deluge gtk/ui runs the more memory it consumes. (i have 4gb …
07:10 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) updated by thekev
Cc changed
07:08 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) updated by thekev
Priority, Version, Summary changed
07:07 Ticket #1066 (Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined) updated by thekev
Having the same issue here. Occurs on 1.2.2 and 1.3.1. My range is …
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