- 19:33 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by
Priority, Component changed
Cas, The initial description is perfectly concise, while maybe not … - 19:16 Ticket #1056 (RemoteNotify Patch) updated by
Status changed
RemoteNotify is for Deluge 1.1.x so this plugin is obsolete. … - 19:13 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by
- i made this video several years ago, and post it as another bug. …
- 19:07 Ticket #1048 (Option to temporarily suspend all bandwidth activity.) updated by
Priority, Version, Milestone changed
- 19:03 Ticket #493 (Subdirectory detection) updated by
Version, Milestone changed
- 19:02 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by
- what is the exact problem. the original post does not have enough …
- 18:56 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by
- it never been fixed.
- 18:52 Ticket #1359 (Torrent file checking stops at x%) updated by
Priority, Status, Type changed
What version of Deluge? Have you upgraded to latest version and seen … - 18:50 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) reopened by
- I'm still seeing this issue in 1.3.0. I have not tried 1.3.1 but as …
- 18:48 Ticket #1323 (filter panels not scrollable) updated by
Type changed
- 18:43 Ticket #1462 (Strange artifacts in main window) closed by
- duplicate: Duplicate of #1173 Please also close bugzilla report.
- 18:32 Ticket #1463 (Can't limit speeds) closed by
- invalid: Setting upload to '0' is the same as '-1' both of which mean unlimited …
- 12:37 Changeset [7e2411]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- Merge branch 'master' into plugins-namespace Conflicts: ChangeLog
- 12:31 Changeset [2fa8ca]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by
- Merge branch 'master' into improved-logging Conflicts: ChangeLog …
- 02:02 Ticket #1396 ("Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage) updated by
- Replying to andar: > This is a pygtk bug, upgrading …
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