

11:50 Ticket #1459 (Download Location ignored when adding torrent) updated by Calum
Priority, Status changed
I cannot replicate. Selecting a download location works fine for me on …
11:37 Ticket #1463 (Can't limit speeds) updated by Calum
Priority, Component changed
What OS and libtorrent version are you using? Can you test with the …
02:17 Ticket #1286 (IPv6 Preference Needed) updated by SamB
Keywords changed
02:16 Ticket #1232 (confusing display of IPv6 addresses in peers tab) updated by SamB
Summary changed
02:15 Ticket #1232 (confusing display of IPv6 addresses in peers tab) reopened by SamB
Um, it doesn't matter *what* kind of IPv6 address those are supposed …
02:02 Ticket #1463 (Can't limit speeds) reopened by shnurapet
It does not save the value '1' either, nor it takes the limit into account.


19:33 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by Cameron Tacklind
Priority, Component changed
Cas, The initial description is perfectly concise, while maybe not …
19:16 Ticket #1056 (RemoteNotify Patch) updated by Calum
Status changed
RemoteNotify is for Deluge 1.1.x so this plugin is obsolete. …
19:13 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by axet
i made this video several years ago, and post it as another bug. …
19:07 Ticket #1048 (Option to temporarily suspend all bandwidth activity.) updated by Calum
Priority, Version, Milestone changed
19:03 Ticket #493 (Subdirectory detection) updated by Calum
Version, Milestone changed
19:02 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by Calum
what is the exact problem. the original post does not have enough …
18:56 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by axet
it never been fixed.
18:52 Ticket #1359 (Torrent file checking stops at x%) updated by Calum
Priority, Status, Type changed
What version of Deluge? Have you upgraded to latest version and seen …
18:50 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) reopened by Cameron Tacklind
I'm still seeing this issue in 1.3.0. I have not tried 1.3.1 but as …
18:48 Ticket #1323 (filter panels not scrollable) updated by Calum
Type changed
18:43 Ticket #1462 (Strange artifacts in main window) closed by Calum
duplicate: Duplicate of #1173 Please also close bugzilla report.
18:32 Ticket #1463 (Can't limit speeds) closed by Calum
invalid: Setting upload to '0' is the same as '-1' both of which mean unlimited …
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