

19:00 pam_auth.patch attached to Ticket #1471 by v-for-vandal
Patch that implement changes
18:54 Ticket #1471 (Add PAM authentification to Deluged) created by v-for-vandal
This patch is similar to the [http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/659
16:16 Ticket #1467 (Log to file when not daemonized) closed by s0undt3ch
fixed: As it is now, ie, current deluge's master from git, if you pass a …
16:07 Ticket #1470 (ValueError: Unknown level: 'error' with python 2.7) closed by s0undt3ch
fixed: Fixed in master. Thanks for reporting.
16:07 Ticket #1470 (ValueError: Unknown level: 'error' with python 2.7) updated by s0undt3ch
Status, Owner changed
16:06 Changeset [8c12c4]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Add "none" as a log level to support quieting the logging messages. …
16:03 Changeset [356808]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Fix #1470.
13:05 Ticket #1455 (deluge/libtorrent should utilize multiple processors when checkin files) updated by Glieb
Right now a moderately fast dual core processor can handle checking of …
05:00 Ticket #1470 (ValueError: Unknown level: 'error' with python 2.7) created by floppymaster
I'm getting this error on Gentoo Linux with Python 2.7. It works fine …


18:33 Changeset [1f800bf]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
On a 64bit platform with old plugins, the deprecation code was unable …
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