

18:52 Ticket #1480 (Opening any link from deluge causing 100% cpu load under Ubuntu 10.10) updated by braintorch
Thank you.
18:35 Ticket #1480 (Opening any link from deluge causing 100% cpu load under Ubuntu 10.10) closed by andar
wontfix: This is a known issue with PyGTK. See this bug post for related …
18:20 Ticket #1480 (Opening any link from deluge causing 100% cpu load under Ubuntu 10.10) created by braintorch
Clicking on any link in deluge (from "About" dialog for example) …


10:03 Ticket #690 (Renaming folders do not delete olds) updated by nicorac
Cc changed
09:58 Ticket #1479 (Different upload speed for downloads and seeds) created by mathbr
I usually limit the upload speed of downloads to give priority to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.